Tunnelblick error (status 244) ocurred

This morning I got this message when attempting to connect to my VPN on OSX Mountain Lion:

An error (status 244) ocurred while trying to check the security of the … configuration.

Please quit and relaunch Tunnelblick. If the problem persists, please reinstall Tunnelblick.

It turned out that Verizon Wireless VZAccess tool I installed last night changed permissions of my /Applications folder so it is writable by any user. Tunnelblick makes sure that the folder(s) it is in do not have such lax permissions, so it would not connect until I did this:

sudo chmod o-w /Applications

Probably you would get the same result by running Repair Permissions, but I have never done that myself so I am not sure if that may negatively affect anything else on your system.